Wedding Locations
This is a list of locations we already work with. However, if you have some other specific location in mind for your dream wedding, than we would be more than happy to arrange it for you.
Parco Jalari (Barcellona P.G.)
Palazzo di S. Stefano (Taormina)
Castello de Milazzo (Milazzo)
Eolian Islands (Salina)
Adopted Beach (Terme Vigliatore)
Palazzo Baronale De Maria (Basicò)
Castello di Castelbuono (Castelbuono)
Auditorium di Castroreale (Castroreale)
Parco Jalari
Description: Jalari is a 40 Hectares large private area, situated in the Peloritain mountains in the province of Messina. This park is renowned for its art culture and historical tradition. From the 3 terraces you have a panoramic view over the Eolian islands and the Tindari bay.
Amount of guests: up to 500 guests for the ceremony, visitors to the park unlimited
Palazzo di S. Stefano in Taormina
Description: In a perfect location just off the cosmopolitan main street of Taormina (Corso Umberto), this beautiful Palace dating back to the 14th century also served as a fortification along Taormina’s southern border. The wedding ceremony takes place in an impressive stone walled reception room with views across the gardens and coast below, perfect for larger groups.
Amount of guests: Up to 100 for the ceremony
Castello de Milazzo
Description: A Norman Castle in Milazzo, built by Frederick II of Swabia in 1239-40 From the castle you have a great panoramic view including the Eolian Islands and Tono Bay. The castle is very big and well kept, and you can still “feel” the history in the area.
Amount of guests: Up to 200 for the ceremony
Salina – Eolian Islands
Description: On the Island of Salina it is possible arrange a wedding in the City Hall and on the Beach. The City Hall is in the center of Santa Marina di Salina and it is a typical Eolian building. It is a perfect location to combine your wedding with a honeymoon or vacation.
Amount of guests: in the City Hall up to 40 for the ceremony, on the beach unlimited
Beach at Terme Vigliatore
Description: This beach is part of Tindari Bay, in the Mediterranean Sea and it is situated right in front of the Eolian islands. It is a private beach behind the Il Gabbiano Hotel. Terme Vigliatore is famous for its thermal environment.
Amount of guests: up to 30 for the ceremony, visitors unlimited
Palazzo Baronale De Maria in Basicò
Description: Wedding location in a quiet medieval village called Basicò. Walking through the alleys, piazzette, and neighborhoods with the old French names you feel like you are walking back in time, to a place in early history. The building has been recently renovated and there is a beautiful garden behind the building. Basicò has a very good location as it is connected to Montalbano Elicona, which is a medieval town and it is close to the Abacena ruins. These places are very suitable to arrange a high class reception.
Amount of guests: Up to 150 for the ceremony
Castello di Castelbuono
Description: Castelbuono is situated in the Madonie mountains. It is a small town close to Cefalú in the province of Palermo. The castle was built in 1316 by the Ventimiglia count and it is built in an Arab-Norman style. This Castle, located in a valley, is famous for the Cappella Palatina. (Palace Chapel)It has a great profusion of precious marble, stuccowork, putti, and friezes and is represents one of the best moments in the history of the House of Chiaramonte.
Amount of guests: Up to 150 for the ceremony
Auditorium di Castroreale
Description: Castroreale is a medieval village and it is one of the oldest villages in the province of Messina. As it is situated in the top of a hill you have a fantastic panoramic view on both the sea and the mountains, but also the Eolian islands. Castroreale was one of the most important places for the catholic power in Sicily. There were 36 churches in this town and now there are just 14 left and one of these is the Auditorium. So the Auditorium is in fact an old baroque church reformed to serve as an Auditorium.
Amount of guests: Up to 150 for the ceremony